Law Offices of Osas Iyamu, LLC.
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Law Offices of Osas Iyamu, LLC.

Q: What should I put on the I29 form for the k1 visa on beneficiary physical address in the last 5 years?

  • By: Immigration Attorney Osas Iyamu
  • Published: February 7, 2019

What should I put on the I29 form for the k1 visa on beneficiary physical address in the last 5 years?

Hello my and my fiancee are ready to filling out the I29 form for the K1 Visa, on the section that they asking her physical address on the last 5 years I am not sure what to put, I met her while she was in the USA as an F1 student and she was enrolled in school for like 10 months. Her first apt she got it trough an agency and then we decided to move in together and the second apartment we were both on the list and I stayed on that apartment while she went back to her home country. They count as physical addresses or only her back home address count?

A: The question on the K1 visa application form is self-explanatory. It states “Provide your beneficiary’s physical addresses for the last five years, WHETHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES.” This means all addresses within the last 5 years. Good luck with your case.

For specific guidance on completing the I-29 form for the K1 visa, click here to schedule a consultation with the Law Offices of Osas Iyamu, LLC

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Osas Iyamu

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